RN Care Manager, Doula, Board Certified Patient Advocate
Over my 10 years as a Registered Nurse, I realized that the “patient-centered” models many health systems claim don’t allow for individuals to make the choices that best suit their lives - from birth to death. The medical world knows best and dictates information rather than working with people to find a comfortable way to meet their goals. That combined with the need for insurance approvals every step of the way led me to feel burned out in large hospital systems – where it seems like nobody feels healthier, they are just living longer. This continued into my own birth experience where I was wrapped up inside of the medical model and not given the space to allow my body to do what nature intended. My goal as a doula and advocate is to empower my client, however that looks for them. I take a holistic approach to care – whether your goal is to have the birth experience you've always dreamed of, be there to see your grandchildren graduate, or simply play a few more good rounds of golf – I’ll help you do it.
RN Care Manager
Born and raised in the greater Gainesville area I was eager to start improving my community one patient at a time after graduating nursing school at Santa Fe. I quickly discovered that nursing was task-based and became overwhelmed by how little control I had in helping my patients improve their health. I found the truly personal moments to be the most rewarding – like taking someone outside of the hospital walls for the first time in weeks to get some sun and fresh air. From the hospital I moved into school nursing, where I saw how impactful nursing within the community could be. When Anna asked me to join Integrative Care Services, I knew this was exactly what I wanted to do. The opportunity to help clients get to a place where they can enjoy life free of the burdens of the healthcare system drives me.